Authentic: We are people with real scars, real stories, real needs, real purpose, and a real God.
Passionate: We take our faith, our church, and our God seriously. We are not passive, we are not nonchalant. We are excited and in it!
Relational: We are a church family. We care for, encourage, support, and connect with one another.
Missional: We are all called to be on a mission. No spectators. We are here to serve the Kingdom, our church, and the community.
Focused: We do everything according to Scripture, and in order to glorify God.
Joyfully Generous: With our lives, talent, and money we will give generously to His work, showing our gratitude for what He has done, to represent his generous heart, and to remain dependent on God’s provision.
Connect, with new people, those who are lost, those returning to church after a while, and those without a church home
Grow, both as a church, but much more importantly as individuals in our walk with Jesus, To see people continue to take new steps in their faith!
Send out, the final goal, the win for us as a church is when we successfully send people out into our community as leaders to make disciples. And when we see pastors, planters and missionaries go out from our church!
For Jesus - Our church commitss to know, follow and worship Jesus.
For the 989 - Our church commits to love, serve and impact our community for the better.
For the World - Our church commits to multiply and send out so that the kingdom of God may grow and the world be changed.