Statement of Faith
Eternal truth, connected to our community
We desire to be a church that majors on the majors and minors on the minors seeking unity in every possible situation with other believers. We desire to be a church that successfully connects to its community and culture while maintaining the eternal truth that we have as our foundation. Our foundational beliefs include but are not limited to the following.
Our God - We believe in one God, who has revealed himself in three persons, who are equal, same and unique as one God. We believe this God is eternal existing before all time, in all time and throughout all time.
Our Savior - We believe that Jesus Christ the son of God, born of the virgin Mary is the Messiah, prophesied of in the Old Testament fulfilling all prophesies, He lived a perfect sinless life, surrendered Himself to be crucified, was dead for three days and rose from the grave conquering sin and death. Jesus then ascended into heaven where he is now seated at the right hand of God. We believe Christ will return one day just as he left to claim His bride the Church.
Our Salvation - We believe that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection has paid the debt of all sins for all man kind. That through the sacrifice of Jesus we now inherit the free gift offered to all who wish to take it. Entering into relationship with God through Christ the separation between man and God can be removed and we may be forever connected to God.
The Church - We believe that the Church is a universal body composed of all believers of all times and places. One untied body with Christ as the head. The church is the plan and organization God has sent to carry the gospel the good news of Christ to the world.
The Bible - We believe the Bible is the written word of God, that it was written by men inspired and controlled by the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible is without error and has finally authority in our church and in our lives.
Our Church - We believe our church is a local expression of the Church, one of many expressions, meant to provide community, teaching, growth and above all to carry out the mission of the Church in our local area, to share the message of the gospel with all we can.
Our Lives - We believe that those who have claimed to submit to Christ as their Lord and Savior are now tasked to spend their lives in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit in pursuit of Jesus, to now live as Christ and for Christ. Always seeking to first build his kingdom, recognizing that our lives are no longer our own but His because of His work on the cross. Offering ourselves as living sacrifices to serve God’s kingdom.
Our Goal - We seek to grow the kingdom of God spreading His glory, by building relationships and people both inside and outside our local context.